Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Pandey and S.T.A.L.K.E.R

A few days ago my computer crashed, I believe it did so in order to prove it's existence, that is to say that it crashed to shout at me and say that it could crash whenever it wanted to.

In moments of any sort of doubt related to computers etc, the first couple of names that come to my mind (or to the mind of anyone in my class are...) Pandey and Nishant, two whiz-kids who are so damn good at troubleshooting that they have made the rest of us complacent and lazy.

I called both of them, here's a record of the different reactions...

Self-Pandey! My computer's crashed, I need to fix it...there's a repair option....I have a CD, what should I do?

Pandey-(alert)-What! How? When? Ok do as I tell you, start the computer once again, boot from the cd.....then do this...and that...

Self-Dude it's leaving me at a DOS prompt and I know nought of operating in DOS, 'help!'

Pandey-wait dude, let me get hold of the CD myself, I will go thru stuff...and I will call you again...


Pandey-Dude! Have you tried working out this...?

Self-Yeah I have, to no avail,

Pandey-No, dont worry, I am on it!

A call to Nishant Singh the Stalker...and the following conversation transpired.

Self-Stalker! My computer's crashed, I need to fix it...there's a repair option....I have a CD, what should I do?

Stalker-(sleepily)-format it...

Self-but there's a repair option...and...

Stalker-Format it.

Self-But it shows...

Stalker-Format it.

Self-Are you sleeping?

Stalker-Format it.

That's stalker for you, clear and to the point...


vakrachakshu said...

i've a better idea..
restart your computer a couple of'll be all fine..[:P]

pushcorrupt said...

i have a better idea..get rid of this damn computer...u sunova....i shall molest ya...molest cha..

Vaibhav said...

it doesnt work!
it doesnt!

Unknown said...

don't leave your room's door open while u sleep at night
coz there are people who don't have a computer